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More than a quarter century after first rising to prominence as a 1960s folk artist, the 52-year-old Cher was once again climbing the charts. The effect first appears 35 seconds into the song, while Cher sings "I can't break through." On each of the last three words, Cher's voice undergoes a bizarre electronic glitch. Artillery […]

More than a quarter century after first rising to prominence as a 1960s folk artist, the 52-year-old Cher was once again climbing the charts. The effect first appears 35 seconds into the song, while Cher sings "I can't break through." On each of the last three words, Cher's voice undergoes a bizarre electronic glitch. Artillery and 90 mm tank fire destroyed seven more KPA T-34s, three more SU-76 towed guns, and several trucks and personnel carriers. They don't like constant use, overuse or abuse, and if you push those joints to their limits, you'll suddenly find it's a lot more difficult to get a strong grip on that bag of groceries. By age 40, the engineer had earned more than enough cash to retire. The engineer simply calls up the full performance on a computer screen and, using a mouse, digitally "nudges" wrong notes into the right key. Using immense quantities of math, Auto-Tune is able to map out an image of your voice. If you’re a woman looking for some guidance in entrepreneurship, check out this great new series Women in Business created by the women of our partner Startup Savant. Better known as The Sea Captain, this character was created by Conan O'Brien.

The new program saved time and money, and, according to Hildebrand, it made for better music. But the truth eventually trickled out, and when it did, Auto-Tune's inventor, Harold "Andy" Hildebrand, was shocked. Long before he was helping singers find the right note, Harold Hildebrand spent 17 years looking for oil. He had used autocorrelation to find crude oil -- who's to say he couldn't use it to nudge a bad singer into tune? While Hildebrand was having lunch with a sales rep, the man's wife said something along the lines of, "Hey Andy, how about inventing something that could make me sing in tune?" Intrigued, Hildebrand took her up on the challenge. But rather than looking to make his fortune in the concert hall, Hildebrand completed a degree in electrical engineering and applied for a job with Exxon Mobil. Hildebrand had been playing the flute professionally since the age of 13, and he'd attended the University of Illinois on a music scholarship. Hildebrand had learned a lot about sound in the world's oil fields, and with Antares, he aimed to channel that knowledge into the music studio.

But now, Hildebrand's brainchild was making Cher sound like a robot. Traditionally, studio engineers obtained clean, polished vocals on a song by making the artist record the vocals dozens of times -- then, they edited the best parts together. Most likely, some of the vocals will all be a bit off -- maybe not by much, but just enough that they sound rough when compared to the studio version. Later products included a host of voice-changers and the Microphone Modeller, a program that can mimic the sound of any microphone, be it a vintage vector microphone or a bluesy harmonica microphone. Of course, you can also host a meetup or guest presenters at your office. Using that data, it can then tweak the pitch of your voice without doing too much damage to your voice's original tone and feeling. The genius of Auto-Tune is that it can alter the pitch of your voice while still preserving its original quality of the overall recording. Opera singers have long been using vibrato, a technique of delivering a note in a constantly wavering pitch. Exploration crews would set off underground dynamite charges, and then, using a technique known as autocorrelation, they would measure the pitch of returning sound waves and use the data to pinpoint oil rich areas.

Meanwhile, buried deep in the software was a setting known as the "zero function." One of the ways Auto-Tune makes its pitch-corrections sound natural is by putting small spaces of time in between notes. Whether he realized it at the time or not, Hildebrand's electronic creation was about to become one of the largest technological influences on popular music since Les Paul invented the modern electric guitar. Still, arcade bournemouth purists derided the software as "cheating"; artists just weren't taking the time to record quality vocal tracks anymore. All you have to do is record your voice onto a tape recorder and play it at a faster speed. The ball: Duckpin bowling balls weigh about 3.75 pounds and do not have finger holes. For a right-handed bowler, "forehand draw" or "finger peg" is initially aimed to the right of the jack, and curves in to the left. The near 90-second video titled Right Up Our Alley - filmed and produced at night on March 2 by Rally Studios - begins outside where the drone swoops in from across the street and through the doors of Bryant Lake Bowl in Minneapolis. Seattleites have lived through this with the sad demise of Sunset Bowl in Ballard, and of its sister property Leilani Lanes in North Seattle, both of which sat empty after closing because of the recession.

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